Providing Affordable
& Accessible Transport
To The Elderly

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ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

20 Years

Who We Are

As aspiring entrepreneurs, the idea of creating a business devoted to providing accessible transport services for senior citizens came to us after becoming primary caregivers to our father/father-in-law. We experienced first-hand the difficulty of securing affordable and reliable transportation to our loved one’s medical appointments and social events such as family outings/gatherings. By founding A & A Senior Transportation, we are doing our part to create affordable and accessible transportation for the aging population in the Washington metropolitan area.

Our Services

We provide the following transportation services to the aging population in Washington metropolitan area
We also offer additional assistance to our senior customers and their caregivers. For medical appointments, we can assist with
check-in/check-out process as well as accompanying customer during the entire appointment.For other appointments/trips, we can
provide assistance as needed to ensure a productive outing for our customers.

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